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Tips for acing your Wedding Vows

Tips for acing your Wedding Vows

I’m often asked by couples if they should write their own wedding vows, and the answer is. YES.

Your wedding vows are probably the most sentimental, thought-out words you'll ever say & write to your other half. They're precious, timeless, and a true testament to the reason you're standing under an arbour about to say “I Do”.

Your vows, should be extra special and not something you want to rush at the very last minute as you want to make sure that you’ll enjoy looking back on those words for many years to come. Your vows should sound like something you would say so it doesn’t come across as insincere or just some words you found on google. Reading examples of vows are great as it gives you an idea of what you want to say but, make sure you write them down using your own words in the way you would normally say them.

It’s okay if you don’t sound like a professional, eloquent public speaker on the day, because true words said from the heart will be sure to mean so much more to your spouse.

Tip 1- Remember the simple things you share. You don’t need to promise the stars and the moon everyday of your married life, because that’s not real life. Most marriages are about the simple acts of kindness, compassion, and love that you share, like foot rubs after a hard day at work, or having the wine already chilled in the fridge for your regular Friday night date night.

Tip 2- If you are struggling to find the right words for your wedding vows and you share a favourite song, try using some of the lyrics and incorporate them into your vows. It makes them very personal, unique and then every-time you hear the song after your wedding you’ll be reminded of the words you’ve exchanged.

The same goes for your favourite book or poem, it’s good to get creative!

Tip 3- Don’t ‘wing it’ on the day. Very few people are good at 'off the cuff' speaking. It’s okay to have it written down on a card so that you can read from it on the day. Don’t try and memorise your vows, as you’ll be so caught up trying to remember your vows that you won’t be focussed on all the other sweet stuff.

Tip 4- Allow yourself to be vulnerable. It’s your wedding & there's no better time to show your softer side to your partner and your loved ones present to witness your marriage.

Tip 5- Whether you write your vows together or separately and share them as a surprise, have a discussion about the emotional depth, humour & length of vows you want to include so you can both be on the same page and present a united front.

Tip 6- Relax and enjoy writing your vows.

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